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KIDC 2024 Judges

In order to ensure that the competition is impartial and transparent, KIDC changes its judges every year. This also provides the added benefit of allowing participants to be judged from a new perspective each year.

  • Michael Shannon

    Michael Shannon

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    Shannon was trained on full scholarship at the School of American Ballet, the National Ballet School of Canada, and the Hungarian State Ballet Academy. Discovered by the Bolshoi at 16, he was the “First American Graduate of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy.”

    Shannon was a Principal Dancer for the Bolshoi Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet, Vienna State Opera Ballet, Stars of the Bolshoi Ballet, Hungarian State Opera Ballet, and Kremlin Palace Ballet Theatre, with commendations from President Bush and President Clinton, and has performed for President and Mrs. Gorbachev, President Nazarbayev, and President and Mrs. Ford to name a few.

    He is a National Endowment for the Arts Awardee, and Two-time Laureate and Medal winner of International Ballet Competitions in Paris, France, and Budapest, Hungary. He was Director and Chief Choreographer of the shortly revived Russian Imperial Theatre of Opera and Ballet under the Patronage of Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna Romanov.

    Shannon was co-Artistic Director and Chief Choreographer of Russiches Kammertheater Berlin, and awarded Professor of Choreography from the Ukrainian State Academy of Ballet in 1999, and YAGP Outstanding Choreographer in 2008.

    In 2008, he became Resident Choreographer for America’s Configuration Dance Theatre, awarded Artvoice Best Dance Company in 2008, 2009, and 2010. From 2010 until 2014 he was Artistic Director and chief choreographer of the Royal Ballet School Antwerp.

    Since 2014 he resides in Tokyo, Japan and is a Choreographer and Master Teacher for Architanz. In October 2016 he created choreographed and directed a new 2 act contemporary ballet “Midnight in Paris,” for the Vanemuine Ballet Company in Tartu, Estonia, and in December 2016 he created and choreographed “Dui Dao,” a new 1 act contemporary ballet for the Beijing Dance Academy 3rd year Bachelor degree program.
  • Teet Kask

    Teet Kask

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    Teet Kask, whose most recent productions include Louis XIV - The Sun King at Estonian National Ballet, Anna Karenina and Swan Lake at Balletto di Milano, is a choreographer of international recognition. He has worked at Estonian National Opera and Ballet, Royal Swedish Ballet, Norwegian National Opera and Ballet and Tbilisi State Opera and Ballet. He has MA Choreography from famous LABAN - City University of London. Kask’s oeuvre consists of more than fifty dance performances. He has become widely recognized as a unique artist/choreographer/tutor synthesizing classical and contemporary dance. From 2021 September Kask has been appointed by Estonian Ministry of Education as a Creative Director for Ballet and Contemporary Dance at new state music and dance school MUBA.
  • Gulnaz Duishembieva

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    1990年 フルンゼ舞踊学校卒業
    2010年 キルギス国立音楽院(振付・演出)卒業

    1990年 フルンゼ舞踊学校主席で卒業後、キルギス国立オペラ・バレエ劇場に入団
    1994 ~2000年 キルギス国立オペラ・バレエ劇場にてプリンシパルを務める。

    1989年 ニコラエンコ監督の長編映画「Kerbez」(ゴーキーフィルムスタジオ)でアリムカンとして主演
    1997年 映画「Zhanar Kush」出演 

    2021年:"キルギス共和国文化功労者 "の栄誉ある称号を授与される。
  • Kimiho HULBERT

    Kimiho HULBERT

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    1999よりフリーとして日本バレエ協会公演などで活躍する一方、振付家としての活動を開始。2001年自身で振付・演出を手がけ、ダンサーとしても参加する『UNIT KIMIHO』を結成。
    2007年UNIT KIMIHO初の自主公演「GARDEN OF VISIONS」を開催後、オン★ステージ新聞アンケートによる新人振付家ベスト1に選出される。2010年トヨタ コレオグラフィーアワード 2010にてオーディエンス賞受賞。第47回(2015年度)舞踊批評家協会賞—新人賞受賞。
    またカンパニー活動の他、日本バレエ協会、新国立劇場(オペラ、バレエ団、バレエ研修)や国内の様々なバレエ団等で作品を上演。堤幸彦監督映画「溺れる魚」の振付、劇団昴「夏の夜の夢」、Willy Decker演出 新国立劇場オペラ「軍人たち」振付、田尾下哲演出ミュージカル「Bonnie and Clyde」、「The Club」、「リゴレット」(オペラ)振付、Johnson and Johnson CM、アンジェラ・アキPV等、舞台以外でも振付活動を行い、海外では韓国、ベルギー、オランダ、マレーシアなどにも招待され作品を発表している。また、若いダンサーの育成にも力を入れ、コンテンポラリークラスやコンクールバリエーション振付を担当。現在はクラシックバレエとコンテンポラリーバレエの両方踊るダンサー&振付家として日本で活躍中。
  • Aleksandr Buber

    Aleksandr Buber

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    1991 年 べラルーシ国立バレエ学校入学
    2001 年 第1 回カザン国際バレエコンクール ディプロマ賞
    2003 年 べラルーシ国立ミンスクボリショイバレエ団プリンシパルに昇格
    フィリップモリス賞( その年に活躍した新人に送られる賞)
    2004 年 ヴァルナ国際バレエコンクール・審査委員長賞 
    2005 年 第5 回世界バレエ& モダンダンスコンクール・クラシック部門金賞 
    2006 年 ジャクソン国際バレエコンクール ディプロマ K バレエカンパニー入団
    6月 ベラルーシ国立音楽大学文化部バレエ科卒業( 教授法を学び、バレエ教師・ミストレスの免許を取得)
    2008 年 11 月退団、フリー バレエ・ダンサーとして活動開始。
    2009 年 まちだ全国バレエコンクールの審査員を始め講師、振付家としても活躍。
    2010 年 全日本バレエ育成振興会・バレエ冬期講習会の講師も務める。
    日本バレエ協会公演 ワレンチン・エリザリエフ版「ドン・キーホーテ」のバレエ・マスターをつとめる。
    2011年 渡部ブーベルアカデミー開校

    アリ「海賊」、バジル「ドン・キホ-テ」、 マキューシオ「ロミオとジュリエット」、王子「白鳥の湖」、
    「薔薇の精」、「チポリーノ」、ドン・ホセ「カルメン」、フランツ「コッペリア」、 「ラ・フィユ・マル・ガルデ」、「サタネラ」 etc 創作多数
  • Eriko Iisaku

    Eriko Iisaku

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    Originally from Osaka, currently based in NY.

    NYU adjunct professor 2018- present
    ACE Dance Concept Co-founder/Producer / Performer 2018 - present
    The Francesca Harper Project Associate Director / Performer 2009 -present

    Moulin Rouge the musical (Assistant choreographer) Tokyo, Japan
    Musical The Bodyguard (Associate choreographer ) Tokyo, Osaka, Japan
    Yukino Ichikawa concert (Choreographer) Tokyo, Japan
    Music TV Show SHIN NIHON NO UTA (Choreographer) Tokyo, Japan
    Musical The Bodyguard (Assistant choreographer) Tokyo, Osaka, Japan
    Eikichi Yazawa Tokyo Stadium Concert (Choreographer) Tokyo, Japan
    Audemars Piguet International launch event (Choreographer) New York City, USA
    Musical Rose’s war (Assistant Choreographer ) New York City, USA

    ■Live Performance
    Terhal ~Franco Dragone Production~ (Dancer) Dubai, Saudi Arabia
    New Ballet Ensemble (Guest artist) Memphis, USA
    ACE Dance Concept AURUM I (Principal dancer) Paris, France
    ACE Dance Concept AURUM II (Principal dancer) Krakow, Poland
    Bregenzer Fruhling (Principal dancer) Bregenz, Austria
    Nona Hendryx Refrigerated Dreams (Dancer) New York City, USA
    Fuyumi Sakamoto Concert (Principal dancer) Tokyo, Japan
    Nick Cave The Let Go (Dance Captain / Dancer) New York City , USA
    Holland Dance Festival (Soloist) Hague, Netherlands
    Nick Cave UNTIL at MASS MoCA (Dancer) Massachusetts, USA
    Danone Nations Cup Opening and Closing Ceremony (Principal dancer) New Jersey , USA
    MET Museum presents Confirming Adams (Dancer) New York City, USA
    ImPulsTanz International Dance Festival (Principal dancer) Vienna, Austria
    Volvo Auto show (Principal dancer, Model) Tokyo, Japan
    Exile Tribe Concert (Principal dancer) Osaka, Japan
    Hermes All about woman (Dancer) New York City, USA
    International Danz Gala (Guest artist) Graz, Austria
    Dallas Black Dance Theater (Guest artist) Dallas, USA
    NJSO Creatures of Prometheus (Soloist) New Jersey, USA
    Yazawa Eikichi Concert Tour (Principal dancer) Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Japan
  • Koichi Omae

    Koichi Omae

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    Born in Japan (Gero, Gifu pref.) on September 27th, 1979
    Studied classic ballet at Osaka University of Arts. Omae mastered contemporary dance techniques and choreography methods in full-scale there, coming under the spotlight while in school. At age 24, shortly after starting a career as a professional dancer, his left leg below the knee was amputated due to car accident. There onwards, he took in movements from a wide range of genre including yoga, martial arts, rhythmic sportive gymnastics, etc, in order to continue dancing with a single leg. He managed to build up a unique, one-and-only dance style by devising the length of the artificial leg adjusted to each dance piece. In 2009, by collaorating with Noh actor Reijiro Tsumura in the piece produced by a world renowned choreographer Alessio Silvestrin, presented as a part of Cerulean Tower Noh Theater’s regular performance, came to prominence as an enchanting amputated dancer.
    In 2010, he was given Rookie of the Year Award and Osaka Governor’s Award in performance arts at Naniwa Performing Arts Festival hosted by Japan Western Dance Association.
    Omae is expanding his field by participating as a guest dancer in numerous traditional stages abroad such as in Tallin and Prague. He was also appointed as a brand ambassador for the major ballet-goods company Chacott’s new product “Tripure”.
    Between 2015-2016, being featured in numerous NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) documentaries, he gained prominence with his one of a kind performance as a dancer beyond comparison.
    Omae also performed solo at the Rio Paralympics closing ceremony in Sept., 2017, as the baton was passed to Tokyo. There he exhibited four continuous back handsprings with his single leg.
    In December 2016, he was invited to an event to pump up Tokyo Olympic Paralympic Games organized by Japan’s prestigious singer AI, where he performed solo at the Nippon Budokan.
  • KIKI-Sohsooji


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    SID / PAS SHOW 芸術監督

Study abroad support team

Support is charged. For details, please contact the KIDC secretariat.
(Support team does not judge the dance competition)

  • Azat Gharibyan

    Coordinator of Studying Aboard

    Azat Gharibyan

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    Started learning folk dance from Armenia at the age of 4. Joined Armenia's National Ballet Academy at the age of 8.Graduated from Waganova Ballet Academy in year 1999. Performed in National Ballet Company of Armenia, Czech, and Maliba as a soliste. Received a gold medal in Italian International Competition.
    Became the Top Invigilator of Fukuoka in the 10th "The Ballet-Con Award". Also became the 58th, 66th, and 78th Best Invigilator in NAMUE Classic Ballet Contest. Designed a charity show with the Armenia Embassy. Head of Gharibyan Ballet Academy, Gharibyan Krounk Dance Company and Ballet Aplomb.
  • Ken Ueo

    Coordinator of Studying Aboard

    Ken Ueo

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    As a study abroad assistant, Ken Ueo provides language support, from the application procedures to various contacts with schools and assistance in starting up life in a foreign country. He also provides support for study abroad and foreign language services based on his experience studying abroad in Germany. Ueo also works as an interpreter, translator, and language teacher. Born in Fukuoka, Japan. Graduated from Kobe City University of Foreign Studies with a degree in English and American Studies. He holds EIKEN Level 1, TOEIC 990, and is a certified interpreter/guide (English).
  • Masaya Yamashita

    Helper of Studying Abroad

    Masaya Yamashita

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    Studied abroad to Australia at the age of 15. After graduating from a high school in Australia started to being engaged in music.
    In 2005, started own English school in hometown and went abroad to New Zealand to see more of the world in 2011. Supported oversea students from all over the world in New Zealand.
    After coming back to Japan, started a very first private providing after school child care in KAMA city.
    Taking actions inside and outside of the country with the students.
  • Chandler Cole

    Helper of Studying Abroad

    Chandler Cole

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    Hi! I'm Chan, I'm from Utah State, USA. I love teaching English and look forward to connecting with you. I grew up in the 90's so I really like all the classic movies from that time period, as well as video games. I like listening to music from anything from hard rock to lo-fi. I moved to Japan and taught English Conversation Classes from 2008 to 2010. Afterwards I returned to the USA and worked for a large skin care company as a Japanese Language Account Manager for about 5 years. I have been teaching English online for the past 2 years and have been enjoying it very much. I enjoy travelling and I am rarely in the same spot for very long. For a while I lived in my camper van and traveled around the US, I have been to many of the states on the west coast, and I have spent some time in New York as well. My hobbies are Skiing/Snowboarding, Fishing, Mountain Biking, and studying different languages.

KIDC 2024 Judges

  • Michael Shannon
  • Teet Kask
  • Gulnaz Duishembieva
  • Kimiho Hulbert
  • Aleksandr Buber
  • Eriko Iisaku
  • Koichi Omae
  • KIKI-Sohsooji

KIDC 2023 Judges

  • Michael Shannon
  • Teet Kask
  • Kimiho Hulbert
  • Sergio Torrado
  • Koichi Omae
  • KIKI-Sohsooji
  • Satoshi Mitsui
  • Sawako Iseki
  • Sonoko Sugimoto
  • Kenta Shimizu
  • Sayaka Kato

KIDC 2022 Judges

  • Michael Shannon
  • Andre Orlov
  • Kimiho Hulbert
  • Wieslaw Dudek
  • Koichi Omae
  • Naoki Inui
  • Keiji Kato
  • Satoshi Mitsui
  • Yoko Tani
  • Masami Sato
  • Mikako Chitose

KIDC 2021 Judges

  • Michael Shannon
  • Alessio Silvestrin
  • Aleksandr Buber
  • Emi Hariyama
  • Andrei Orlov
  • Kimiho HULBERT
  • Koichi Omae
  • Naoki Inui

KIDC 2020 Judges

  • Mio Kondo
  • Michel Faigaux
  • Michael Shannon
  • Ayumi Shiraishi
  • Yoko Koike
  • Emi Hariyama
  • Sankai Juku Semimaru
  • Koichi Omae
  • Naoko Matsuda

KIDC 2019 Judges

  • Michael Shannon
  • Rafael Avnikjan
  • Sonoko Sugimoto
  • Michel Faigaux
  • Yoon Sun Hyung
  • Sankai Juku Semimaru
  • Christopher L. Huggins
  • Yoko Koike
  • KIKI-Sohsooji
  • Tomohiko Tsujimoto

KIDC 2018 Judges

  • Svetlana Assoulyak Mikhairovna
  • Rafael Avnikjan
  • Michael Shannon
  • Sonoko Sugimoto
  • Claude Gamba
  • Yoko Koike
  • KIKI-Sohsooji
  • Yuko Hirai
  • Daniela Rapisarda
  • Alessandro Vacc

KIDC 2017 Judges

  • Svetlana Assoulyak Mikhairovna
  • Mihoko Maihara
  • Dai Sasaki
  • Sonoko Sugimoto
  • Yoko Koike
  • KIKI-Sohsooji
  • Cai Xiaoqiang
  • Daisuke Ito
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